“Writers forget that the short story is a gift” -Writer’s Interviews – Craig Wallwork by Jason Michel

Craig Wallwork is relevant and irreverent. His writing is a smorgasbord of cinematic imagery and a gleeful “Fuck You!” to the conventions and pomposity of literature. I like him and this interview, like the collapse of the financial system, was only a matter of time coming …

Introducing Henry Zeo Covert ~ A Showcase

Q1: Hi Henry! Who are you? (Or who do you think you are?) This could take awhile. I think I’m Henry Zeo Covert ( http://strangeothers.blogspot.com ). I’m pretty sure anyway. I’m a writer (fiction, metafiction, comix and web comix, articles, essays, journalism, film and pop culture reviews and criticism), award-winning artist (comix and illustration), occasional … Continue reading Introducing Henry Zeo Covert ~ A Showcase

Open Wounds by David Massengill

From The New York Times:  In response to protests in various states, the Secretary of Defense announced that the government has withdrawn all chemical soldiers from Iran. “Our post-operation teams are completing their inspections of the conflict sites,” he told the public yesterday, “and we expect their involvement to be brief and non-violent.” “I know … Continue reading Open Wounds by David Massengill

The Lad on the Knoll. Part II by Chris Pollard

“Then how can I help you?” I asked the lad. “Sometimes they send me to fish in the river, by the bridge.” “So why don’t you just run away when you go there?” “Would that it were so easy!  They have me under a powerful enchantment, so that I may only go to the river, … Continue reading The Lad on the Knoll. Part II by Chris Pollard